All the information shared on our website is for general information. We are not responsible for any type of perfectness means if any of the mistake in content or anything we are not accountable for that thing. If you have any problem regarding to our website means the links you will download we will not responsible for that because we are sharing the emulator we are not owner of that website. That emulator is 3rd party emulator owned by some company so we will not any type of responsibity in that case.
We tried hard to give you the best links our team find the most trusted platforms that are providing clean files. We have no control on that files so all the resposnilblity is for that third party developers we only sharing their links. If you are owner of that game you can contact us on our email for ay query we will try to response as soon as possible.
When you click on any link you will go other website that all authorties on that websites belongs to them so everything is under their control it better to read their policies and about us policies. If you have any quries according to content of the website just send a email or you can comment in comment box below the post thanks.